Friday, March 25, 2011


It's been quite lovely these past couple of days. It's about a week into Spring and it's apparent by the vibrant colours and warm weather outside. I do love Spring; it's my favourite season. So, today, I decided to dress up like a princess and do some lovely photography:

So, today was good. My neighbors must think I'm nuts, but I probably am :) Happy Springtime!

Friday, February 4, 2011


I woke up this morning, wondering why I wasn't at School. I rolled over with my tired, dark- adjusted eyes, turned to look out of my window, and was blinded.
 Here's what I woke up to:
It's not so bright because of my screen but to unadjusted retinas, it was pretty fuckin' bright.

So, I got to stay home. I spent most of my time on the computer.
Then, a bird got stuck in my kitchen window. The window is broken on the outside and my cat was freaking out.
There's the birdy. I took the picture from my kitchen. It was really trying hard to fly out but it couldn't seem to figure out that just because you can see through something, it does not mean there may not be anything in front of you. Like a window. But I freed the critter. I had to destroy the window to get to it but it was no biggie. The thing nearly flew into me when it got free!

So, anywho, my cat gets really stressed when it snows. He's been really whiney and complainy all day. He's been following me around like a puppy.

There he is, wanting to be picked up. Lady loves the snow, though. She wants to be outside all the time and she hops around and goes crazy. It's really cute.

And this is all the snow in my backyard:

Around where I live, it's at its prettiest when it snows. Everything looks so clean and bright. I love that. So, I walked around and got some more pretty pictures.

Front yard.

The highway.

Tiny paw prints :)

It was a pretty laid back day. I'm kind of glad I stayed home. Until later, Readers!

Monday, January 24, 2011


Man... Mr. Meeks says the darnedest things. I was walking down the hall at School and it was especially cold that day (it even snowed for a bit) and Mr. Meeks walks right beside me. No 'hello'. No introduction. He just starts walking by me and out of nowhere, just interjects: 'It's so cold outside. This morning, it was so cold, I saw a dog stuck to a fire hydrant.'
Maybe it's a weird thing now but I lol'd. And he'll do that. He'll walk up to people and ramble off whatever's on his mind. Sometimes he just makes corny jokes. Like, this one time, last year, I had just taken a super- hard Geometry test and he came up to me and was all like, 'What does an acorn say when it's grown up?... Geometry''. Crazy bastard... I love 'em.

Anyhoozle. My School and two other Schools are having to consolidate in the near future, so we had to vote on what our colours and mascot should be when we consolidate. In fourth hour, before we voted, everyone was just rattling off ideas for what our mascot should be. Wipi and Channing got on a computer and looked up random mascot names and they named a few weird ones but then they mentioned 'The Orphans'. Seriously. That'll sound really bad if we get beat in a game and the opposing team is all like, 'Alright! We beat the Orphans!' Think about it...
Anyway, when we got to sixth hour, it was time to vote. At the top of the page, we had to choose four colours- first choice and second choice. At the bottom of the page, we were given a list of mascots to choose from. We had to choose one mascot for first choice and then at the second choice, we could either choose another mascot or submit our own. For the second choice, I simply wrote 'Thunder Squids'. Is that not hard- core?... It's not?... Oh.
After everyone voted, our ballots were taken up and right as mine was being taken, I thought 'Thunder Thighs' would have been awesome. But it was too late...
I'm sure you're all wondering, so, this is a Thunder Squid (I drew it for you):